The Army Distributed Learning Program provides online capabilities in communities nationwide to support the training and readiness of Soldiers, leaders, and units. Dedicated to the Guard, the program delivers soldier and leader training content. You can check our other army-related essential topics on our website, AKO Offline.
In FY 2007, the Army’s Training and Doctrine Command TRADOC asked RAND Arroyo Center to assess TADLP’s performance and provide options for improving it.
The Army Distributed Learning Program is a part of the Army’s training and education system. It provides multiple distributed learning methods and technologies that facilitate Soldier readiness by offering flexible, online, or remote delivery of standardized training materials and coursework.
The Military is facing new challenges that require new approaches to training. These challenges include the need for on-demand training and the desire to have access to standardized training that can be completed in different formats, at times, and locations. In addition, the Army is looking for ways to help its Soldiers spend more time at home with their families and reduce the need for long-term TDYs to school.
Today’s Soldiers and leaders find themselves in far more uncertain, complex, and dangerous situations than they were a few years ago. Their ability to survive and win America’s wars depends on an active, dedicated community of educators and training professionals providing effective, modern instructional models that are user-friendly, pliant, and adaptable via distributed learning to changing mission requirements.
As a result, the Army is investing in an enhanced distributed learning strategy to enhance and improve the readiness of our agile Soldiers and their leadership by exploiting current and future technologies. This strategy also will allow the Army to leverage a wide range of digital learning tools and capabilities to support a 24X7 persistent learning capability.
For example, the Mobile Division develops an array of interactive digital learning tools, including (but not limited to) audiobooks and mobile publications (mPubs). These materials incorporate the latest trends in instruction – illustrated diagrams, infographics, maps, and multimedia – to enlighten and entertain – while enabling Soldiers to grasp and retain content rapidly.
The Mobile Division has developed a number of applications that allow users to access and read mPubs and other interactive digital learning tools from virtually anywhere, even when no Internet connection is available. These products are specifically designed for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.
The Army’s Training and Doctrine Command, TRADOC, asked RAND Arroyo Center to evaluate the performance of the Army Distributed Learning Program in FY 2007-2008 and identify options for improvement in the near and long terms. The research found that, although the program had a high degree of recognition, resources for producing DL courseware were declining, and the emphasis was being placed on a smaller number of courses, with less emphasis on developing courseware that most directly supports unit readiness.

What is Distributed Learning Program in the Army?
The Army Distributed Learning Program (ADLP) is an education and training program that allows Soldiers to take courses remotely at times convenient for them. This enables Soldiers to increase their educational achievement level, reduce their tuition costs, and free them up for deployment when necessary.
The program also offers various course selection options, including online and on-demand lectures, self-paced activities, and video-based lessons. These are all designed to meet the Army’s rigorous standards of quality instruction.
TADLP is part of the Army’s training and leader development system, and it supports the execution of the Military’s readiness mission. However, despite the growing importance of DL to readiness, TADLP has been challenged by budget cuts and an overall slowdown in funding.
To compete in today’s crowded learning arena, the Army needs a comprehensive strategy that leverages emerging technologies and digital content to improve Army readiness. This includes a new approach to dL and the creation of innovative technologies such as adaptive learning and progressive web apps.
This strategy will help the Army prepare its Soldiers and leaders for full-spectrum operations. The most effective dL will allow Soldiers to access information and training that is relevant and useful for them, regardless of where they are located in the world.
The Army is leading the way in developing dL, including a suite of mobile internet devices and a Progressive Web App that can deliver relevant content at any time, anywhere.
The Army’s most successful dL applications include an interactive BCT level program called Army 21, a video-based self-paced course called Army Embedded Systems Engineering (ASEE), and a high-tech, immersive virtual simulation that mimics the environment of a battle command team. Other dL innovations include a reimagined dL classroom and a new contract vehicle that will support the development of high-quality dL content optimized for mobile internet devices such as netbooks, e-readers, and smartphones.
Purpose of the ADLP
The Army Distributed Learning Program is a modern, proven instructional model used by the Army to regularly deliver individual, collective, and self-development training and education to Soldiers, leaders, and Army civilians anytime/anywhere. Instructors can be blended into the learning, or content can be delivered as stand-alone products, as needed.
In today’s uncertain, complex, and dangerous world, the ability of our Soldiers, leaders, and Army civilians to be effective and efficient in their jobs requires a modern, pliant, and adaptive approach to training that can adapt to the changing mission requirements. This is why distributed learning (DL) is becoming essential to Army Training and Doctrine Commands TP 525-8-2, “The U.S. Army Learning Concept for 2015.”
Our Soldiers’ readiness and mission success are dependent on the flexibility of training that can be accessed on demand, anytime/anywhere. Course curricula offered once or twice a year in a handful of brick-and-mortar locations often restrict Soldier access and slow down the training process.
DL is an ideal solution to this problem because it provides Soldiers with a wide array of training options beyond the classroom setting. This is particularly true for those Soldiers whose duties prohibit them from attending a face-to-face course or those who are on long-term TDYs.
For example, Soldiers at Public Health Command Europe have been able to maintain their mission readiness while undergoing virtual training courses. They have also been able to complete course requirements at their own pace, avoiding delays caused by schedule conflicts that may occur in a classroom environment.
However, the Army’s DL system has some limitations when it comes to meeting learning outcomes. Educators need to be careful when assigning IMI courses for completion, as the Soldier’s focus must be on meeting their learning objectives and not simply to “check the box” on another online training requirement.
Educators must work with the Army’s distributed learning providers to ensure that their offerings are engaging and improve learning outcomes for Soldiers. They can learn best practices from other distance learning programs across academia and apply those practices to the Army’s DL system. They can also leverage the institutional strength of their Army University partners to develop and distribute innovative, distributed learning offerings.

ADLP Effectiveness
The Army Distributed Learning Program (ADLP) is the Army’s large-scale effort to transform Army training and education practices. Using information and communication technologies, the TADLP seeks to deliver decentralized learning, which will help to meet the growing need for agile Soldiers and Army civilians.
One of the most important components of the Army Distributed Learning Program is the Army Training Requirements and Resources System. It allows military personnel to view and manage all of their Army and civilian courses free of charge. It also provides a way for the Army to forecast how much training materials and supplies will be needed in the future.
Another important component of the DL program is the use of interactive multimedia instruction or IMI. This combines the best aspects of classroom training and technology-mediated learning. It can help keep soldiers engaged in their coursework and provide them with the tools they need to complete the course.
While this technique may seem like an efficient way to get soldiers to complete their courses, it can also create challenges for learners. This can be especially true of asynchronous IMI content.
For example, if a soldier is required to take officer leadership preparation courses, it might be difficult for him to find time to attend classes while on duty. This is because he must also complete other tasks during that time, which could impact his performance.
To solve this problem, the DL program is working to design new materials that can be used when needed. These can include mobile Internet devices such as netbooks and e-books.
The DL program is also working to develop applications for smartphones that can be used to learn on-the-go. This can allow soldiers to have access to training when they are on the move, which can improve their efficiency and productivity.
In order to increase the effectiveness of the DL program, it is important that the Army integrates it into its overall structure. This can be done through the Army University, which is in a unique position to influence the Army’s culture and priorities. This will help to ensure that the Army continues to value distributed learning in its overall strategy.