The Army Reserve began using RPACs in 2011 to centralize personnel services. These services include pay, promotions, transfers, and records updates. Previously, these tasks were handled by individual unit administrators. Despite some initial concerns, the new system seems to be working well. It allows the military technicians to be more available to the units they serve.
Where Are Reserve Personnel Action Centers?
The Army Reserve Personnel Centers (RPAC) are located throughout the United States. The centers are responsible for processing promotions, awards, and retirements for Army Reserve Soldiers. They also provide administrative support for civilian employees, such as payroll processing, timecards, and employee in- and out-processing. The RPAC also conducts Civilian FTS Branch briefings to educate employees on the processes and requirements for completing their duties.
The 88th Readiness Division has 12 RPAC hubs and 24 satellites across a 19-state region, supporting hundreds of units. Military personnel administrative specialists – or MPASs – at these RPACs can help ensure that your records are ready for an upcoming promotion board.
They can also assist with a wide range of pay inquiries, such as inactive duty for training pay, unit order pay, and MyPay. They can also handle medical line of duty and incapacitation referrals.
HQ ARPC provides world-class support for Air Force Reserve, National Guard, and active component Airmen from entry to retirement. They process a variety of personnel actions, including evaluations, applications, promotions, awards, retirement points cards, and transfers. They also facilitate developmental team boards, ensuring the most qualified Air Reserve Component officers are promoted to their next rank. They also process reenlistment and separation actions. They are also responsible for processing a variety of paperwork for the Total Force, such as DD 214s and awards.

The Army Reserve Personnel Action Centers (RPAC) are geographically dispersed main and satellite locations that provide a full range of military personnel and administrative functions for supported units and Soldiers. RPACs are managed by an integrated team of full-time staff, supervisors, and support personnel. Responsibilities include directing the daily activities of multiple geographically dispersed main and satellite RPAC divisions. Establish operations goals and assure effective and efficient execution. Develop and maintain short and long-range plans. Compile and consolidate input from RPAC supervisors to prepare operational budget and resource requests. Review and interpret regulations, directives, reports, and legislative changes that impact RPAC functions and operations.