Record review is a process of reviewing a Soldier’s records for errors or omissions. This could include medical records, old behavior support plans, psychological reports, individual education or family service plans, mental health information, laboratory results, and allied health provider assessments. The Record Review Tool (RRT) is an EHR tool for conducting personnel record reviews. It allows RMs to query and review a Soldier’s record in iPERMS during the in-processing process, annually thereafter, and prior to separation from the Army. You can check other related topics on our website, AKO Offline.
RMs can also download reports of completed, in-progress and overdue records for their organization. Historically, record review has been a well-researched method to detect adverse events (AEs) in medical records. However, little research explains how this tool can be used to improve patient safety in general practice. The record review tool can be used in two ways:
- a) A soldier present review: The RM logs-in to the Record Review Tool with the Soldier, and they both have their CAC readers logged on. This is the preferred method for conducting a record review, but the RM may choose to log in independently if the Soldier is not available or in progress.
- b) An independent review: The RM logs in and completes their record review on separate workstations that are not in the same location. This method can be used for RMs traveling or in other locations outside of the Army.
To make the most of a record review, RMs must follow specific record review protocols. They should complete the review as soon as possible to avoid missing important information or delays in uploading documents to iPERMS. This can be accomplished through a number of methods, including using a mobile device and the Record Review Tool app. The app also can be downloaded to a desktop PC and used from anywhere with an internet connection.
A RRT activation is a critical event in the hospitalization process for a patient. This is especially true for a patient with acute illness. When a patient is activated for an RRT call, the general care team must exchange information with the response team as quickly as possible. This requires the use of a communication protocol called the Situation Background Assessment Recommendation (SBAR) to keep the team informed about a patient’s status.

iPERMS Record Management Access (RMA)
Record Review Tool (RRT) provides a central repository of records that support the Army personnel and finance system. It is a web-based application that allows Human Resource professionals to access and view personal records for assigned Soldiers.
The iPERMS Record Management Access (RMA) process supports the verification of a Soldier’s Army military human resource record (AMHRR). It is a one-way exchange of data with United States Army Reserve (USAR) and United States Army National Guard (ARNG) databases to ensure that a Soldier’s information is accurate and up-to-date. iPERMS RMA utilizes role-based access control to protect sensitive and private information about a Soldier. For example, iPERMS does not accept documents that contain Social Security numbers or DODIDs. Additionally, iPERMS does not accept documents with classified information.
All iPERMS records are stored in folders that are titled and have unique identifiers for each type of document. There are up to five different folders in iPERMS, and each has its own set of records. Duplicate files are not allowed in iPERMS. When new Soldier reports to their first installation, they will have to sign in to iPERMS to view their own record before participating in a review. They can select “Soldier (view your own record),” or they will be taken directly to their record in iPERMS.
To complete a record review, record managers must upload all required and key supporting documents to a Soldier’s iPERMS record. They can do so by following the Scan and Upload Documents webpage. Record Managers must compare the ERB or ORB with the end-of-month LES and AMHRR to verify that all documents are uploaded. They should also check the list of missing documents to see if any are needed.

Personal Record Review in the Army
One of the most important tasks for a soldier is keeping his or her personal records up to date. Luckily, the Army has a program that makes it a top priority. The Record Review Tool (RRT) is the Army’s version of a personal record management system. It lets unit personnel such as Military Personnel Divisions (MPDs), S1, Human Resources Administrators, and Unit Administrators know if it’s time to conduct a review of a soldier’s military records.
Aside from letting the right people know when it’s time to go to the nitty gritty, the RRT also gives the right people the tools they need to do their jobs. There are many reasons why a unit or individual needs to perform a personal record review, such as ensuring a soldier is getting the best possible benefits and pay. For instance, if the military is going to use a new record management system called the Integrated Personnel and Pay System – Army, it will need to be able to track the most up-to-date information about a soldier in order to provide him or her with the right benefits at the right time.